A story about being a sex toy to Traps in a society dominated by animals DL レビュー

A story about being a sex toy to Traps in a society dominated by animals

A story about being a sex toy to Traps in a society dominated by animals DL

A story about being a sex toy to Traps in a society dominated by animals

A story about being a sex toy to Traps in a society dominated by animalsA story about being a sex toy to Traps in a society dominated by animalsA story about being a sex toy to Traps in a society dominated by animalsA story about being a sex toy to Traps in a society dominated by animals


The year is 2xxx. The world was ruled by animals. Humans are made to be comforted by the overwhelming power of animals.
You will be teased by Dominant Trap as a common slut of the beastmen school.

A story about being a sex toy to Traps in a society dominated by animals DL